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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Is Anyone Home?? A look at companies that neglect their Facebook fans

Is Anyone Home?? A look at companies that neglect
their Facebook fans
Chase Gregory
Sr. Partner
NSG Consulting Inc

Neglecting your Facebook fans and subscribers just boggles my mind when I see it happening
on pages where every “Like,” should be, and could be a subscriber for life. How do
you neglect your fans like that? You buy booth space at shows and events, tell them
to follow you on Facebook and Twitter, yet when they ask you questions about your
business on them, no one answers…..

Is anyone home?

Ignoring social signals for your business needs to stop. So many companies pitched
to social media say that they are fine with doing it in house on their time with their
employee(s). But what they fail to realize is that their employee(s) already have
a full plate, and when you catch them on social media where you don’t think they
should be, whether you think its important or not, you give them “something better
to do,” and that’s not how the best social media guru’s do their best work. They
do the best work because it really does take that extra link click on another page,
or other comments and likes on industry related sites and SM pages that pay off.
It takes thought, and maybe you need to discuss this in your pitches so the client
understands what Google calls “organic content/pages.”

If you represent your company with SM, please….please talk to your customers. For
the love of your business, if you just don’t have the extra time to do SM the right
way and with the proper etiquette, hire a third party marketing firm and start with
their lowest package that also moderates the page at least once a week if not once
a day. If you don’t, you wont see the lack of sales coming, it will just happen, and
you’ll blame your finances on poor marketing and cut social media because you
don’t think it is working. Lack of sales happens because you are not doing something


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